Sacha BarlowCounselling & Psychotherapy in Oxford

Appointments / Payment. office 1


Please do contact me for an initial counselling assessment appointment (regular fee charged), or you can text, phone and email for further information (free of charge). It is important for you to find a compatible therapist, as the quality of the relationship between client and therapist is arguably the greatest predictor of a successful outcome.

Our initial session is an opportunity for you to see if you think you would enjoy working with me, and for me to consider if I feel able to help you, and indeed if I am the best qualified person to help you. Should for any reason I feel that I am not suited to working with you (or if I consider I might have a potential conflict of interest - for instance I am already working with a colleague of yours etc) then there will be no charge for your session, and I will refer you to someone I think will be able to help you.

It is helpful to think of setting aside three appointments for experiencing what counselling might have to offer you. The first session is for an initial meeting and for me to get to understanding of your situation, and then a further two sessions to explore a little further, before deciding how much or little therapy you might want.


Counselling or Psychotherapy?

I offer both counselling and psychotherapy. Counselling tends to be for a shorter duration and for a more specific cause. Psychotherapy tends to be more open-ended because you would like longer term support or perhaps you are in counselling training. It is not important to know exactly what you want on first initiating contact, nor is it important for you to believe that therapy will work. It is the process of therapy that can change the direction in which your life moves. Both counselling and psychotherapy help people make significant changes in their lives and world view. We can discuss this at your request and review accordingly.

Appointments / Payment. couch color

Office Hours

Monday 930am - 300pm
Tuesday 930am - 300pm.
Wednesday 930am - 300pm
Thursday 930am - 300pm
Friday 930am - 300pm

Evening and weekend appointments now available due to the addition of our new Garden studio! All evening appointments whether online or in person are billed at 1.5 times regular rate. Evening appointments are held in the Garden Studio while daytime appointments are held in the house. Unfortunately there are no bathroom facilities on site.

Appointments / Payment. Studio 1

Evening Appointments

Monday 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Tuesday 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Wednesday 6:00pm - 8:00pm
Saturday 6:00pm - 8:00pm

Appointments / Payment. Studio2

Following Covid 19 times, appointments are generally held in person or online by zoom, Skype or phone. Please let me know if you would prefer me to wear or not wear a mask. My office has an air sterilisation and circulation system and the top window is left open. Please therefore dress accordingly!


I charge £75 (regular fee) £65 (low fee for unwaged) for 50 minutes for individuals, for couples £95 (regular fee). £75 (low fee for unwaged) for 50 min.

The usual format is to see clients once weekly for 50 minutes, but I have on occasion seen clients more often, or for longer periods such as 75 min sessions.

Evening appointments are billed at 1.5 times the day rate. No concessions are available for an evening appointment.

Payment is by bank transfer the day of the session.

One week notice is requested for cancelling a regular standing appointment. 48 hours notice is requested to cancel an ad hoc session. Full payment is expected for missed sessions or late cancellation.

Bach Consultations

Sessions last for 50 minutes and are £75 and include the one bottle of remedies.


I usually take a two week break in March / April, three weeks in August, and three weeks in December. If you require assistance during these times please let me know ahead of time so we might make some arrangements.

Emergency Appointments

If you need urgent assistance, while you are welcome to text me or leave a message on my phone, please consider contacting your doctor, visiting your local emergency room, or calling the Samaritans on 116 123, where you will be put through to a volunteer who is ready waiting to take your call.


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